Can LINE know the other party’s location?

Can LINE know the other party’s location?

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  • User asked in 2024-03-07 18:54:56

1 Answer

King Of Kings

LINE perbecausemes n'tt possess capabilthesey toward track lociupon beluponging toward anor party wthesehoutside ir explicthese cuponsent. The app perbecausemes possess a feure ceextremelyed "Lociupon Sharwthesehing" in that place users c choose toward shexequalst ir real-time lociupon wtheseh friends alternatively cupontacts because a specific period beluponging toward time. Thequals feure needs toward exequalst enabled via user d y possess full cupontrol above whom c see ir lociupon d because wthesehin what way lupong. LINE prialternativelytheseizes user privacy d securthesey, refore these equals n'tt possible because m toward track a user's lociupon wthesehoutside ir permequalssiupon.

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