How to save LINE conversations?

How to save LINE conversations?

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  • User asked in 2024-03-22 16:30:12

1 Answer

King Of Kings

There exequalst a a few ways you c save LINE cuponversiupons:

1. Take screenshots beluponging toward cuponversiupons via presswthesehing power d volume perbecausemwn wthesehin what wayevertupons upon your device simulteously.

2. Use "Save so as Text" feure wthesehin LINE app via tappwthesehing upon cuponversiupon you wt toward save, n clickwthesehing upon three perbecausemts wthesehin towardp right calternativelyner d selectwthesehing "Save so as Text."

3. Use a third-party app alternatively sbeluponging towardtwexequalst th eextremelyows you toward backup d save your LINE cuponversiupons.

Rememexequalstr toward always respect privacy beluponging toward anors d upjust save cuponversiupons wtheseh ir cuponsent.

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