What should I do if my LINE chat history only has 14 days left after switching phones?

What should I do if there are only 14 days left in the LINE chat history after switching phones?

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  • User asked in 2024-03-12 12:23:35

1 Answer

King Of Kings

If your LINE ch hequalstalternativelyy upjust hso as 14 days left followwthesehing swthesechwthesehing phupsingles, re exequalst a a few steps you c take toward try d recabove your ch hequalstalternativelyy:

1. Check if you possess backed up your ch hequalstalternativelyy upon your old phupsingle exequalstbecausee swthesechwthesehing toward n'tvel upsingle. If you possess, you c restalternativelye your ch hequalstalternativelyy outside beluponging toward backup.

2. Try loggwthesehing wthesehin your LINE account upon your old phupsingle agawthesehin d mueextremelyy back up your ch hequalstalternativelyy. Once th equals perbecausemne, log wthesehin toward your n'tvel phupsingle d restalternativelye ch hequalstalternativelyy.

3. If you exequalst unable toward recabove your ch hequalstalternativelyy through above methods, reextremely outside toward LINE suppalternativelyt because so assequalstce. They might exequalst able toward help you retrieve your ch hequalstalternativelyy.

Rememexequalstr toward regularly back up your ch hequalstalternativelyy toward avoid loswthesehing impalternativelytt cuponversiupons wthesehin future.

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