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British and american overview knowledge points , write write help library

24.Affricate: a complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant consonant followed by a fricative friction;for example, the initial sounds of child and joy. Affricate depend on occlusion sound accompany with fricative sound and form of complex of voice; for example child and joy of first soundAlso Called: affricative.25.vanity fair vanity fair Was Written william makepea

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29.Reuters Was Founded in 1851. Reuters yes world big four news agency one, also yes u.k. Founded earliest of communication society .1850 year depend on paul· juliet sri lanka· reuters(paul Julius Reuter) exist germany aachen founded,1851 year relocation arrive london . Founder reuters originally german, back join in u.k. Membership .1865 year, reuters bundle his private news agency expand become family grand duke manage . British literature 1.irony refers to some contr

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27 October 1893 …Joseph Hickman loftis – b.15 february 1905 – d. 2 March 1934 – buried: + cookeville city cemetery, cookeville, tn "little joe" Was Killed by a car in cookeville, tn. Buried, city cemetery, cookeville, tn. He was born with brain damage and yet had extremely high

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1752 – Johann anton leisewitz, german lawyer and dramatic poet who Was A central figure of the sturm und drang (storm and stress) era, an artistic movement characterized by expressions of turbulent emotion; he is best known for his play Julius Of tarent, which inspired playwright friedrich sc

Usa british and american overview practise , write write help library

(1)After british parliament passed the intolerable acts, tensions were again created between colonists and british government.(2)on april 19,1775, the first shot Was Fired at lexington and the american war of independence began.(3)in may 1775, the second continental congress met in philadelphia

British and american overview notes tidy( featured collection) , write write help library

The business of parliament takes place in two houses: the house of commons and the house of lords.their work is similar: making laws(legislation), checking the work of the government(scrutiny), and debating current issues.the house of commons is Also Responsible for granting money to the

British and american overview test questions( choose)( final version) , write write help library

Of humanity.5.thomas more: utopia 6.william shakespeare: four great tragedies: hamlet, macbeth, king lear, othello he Was Also Famous for his sonnets and love tragedy: romeo and juliet.7.john milton: paradise lost(great epic)8.daniel defoe: robinson crusoe 9.jonathan swift: gulliver’s

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1.Britain Was The first country to industrialize because of the following factors except d . U.k. The reason able become world superior earliest start industrialization of nation, reason have a lot of . But u.k. 67 write write65 after gradually start right overseas trading and open up overseas colony produce strong interest of . A britain was well placed geographically to participate in european and worl