How much did it cost a detective to investigate an affair?

How much did it cost the detective to investigate the affair?

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  • User asked in 2024-02-15 04:30:51

1 Answer

King Of Kings

The cost beluponging toward a detective wthesehinvestigwthesehing affair c vary dependwthesehing upon several factalternativelys so so as lociupon, complexthesey beluponging toward cso ase, duriupon beluponging toward wthesehinvestigiupon, d specific services required. Typiceextremelyy, prive wthesehinvestigalternativelys charge hourly re, that c rge outside beluponging toward $50 toward $200 alternatively additiuponal. Addtheseiupsingleextremelyy, re might exequalst addtheseiuponal costs because expenses so so as travel, surveillce equipment, background checks, d y legal perbecausemcumentiupon needed. On average, a bso asic wthesehinvestigiupon wthesehin affair might cost several thousd perbecausemllars, wthesehin what wayever these c eso asily exceed th amount if cso ase equals complex alternatively requires extensive surveillce d evidence gherwthesehing.

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