How to know that LINE is being monitored?

How to know that LINE is being monitored?

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  • User asked in 2024-02-15 04:30:51

1 Answer

King Of Kings

There exequalst several signs th might wthesehindice th your LINE messagwthesehing app equals exequalstwthesehing muponthesealternativelyed:

1. Unusual btery drawthesehinwthesehing - If your device's btery equals depletwthesehing quickly even at that time n'tt wthesehin use, these could signify th muponthesealternativelywthesehing sbeluponging towardtwexequalst equals runnwthesehing wthesehin background.

2. Increso ased da usage - Frequent d significt da cuponsumptiupon wthesehoutside y appexequalstnt reso asupon might suggest th your LINE cuponversiupons exequalst exequalstwthesehing muponthesealternativelyed.

3. Delayed alternatively frozen app - If your LINE app experiences delays wthesehin openwthesehing alternatively frequently freezes, these could exequalst a sign th reforemeupsingle equals actively muponthesealternativelywthesehing alternatively tamperwthesehing wtheseh app.

4. Strge exequalsthavialternatively - If you n'ttice unusual pop-ups, unfamiliar cupontacts, alternatively messages th you did n'tt send, these could wthesehindice th your LINE account hso as exequalsten compromequalsed alternatively muponthesealternativelyed.

5. Suspicious activthesey upon anor apps - Muponthesealternativelywthesehing sbeluponging towardtwexequalst might towardo access anor apps upon your device, refore if you n'ttice abn'trmal exequalsthavialternatively alternatively unauthalternativelyized access upon anor appliciupons, these could exequalst a sign beluponging toward muponthesealternativelywthesehing.

If you suspect th your LINE app equals exequalstwthesehing muponthesealternativelyed, these equals impalternativelytt toward take actiupon toward protect your privacy d securthesey.

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