How to watch porn on Apple Vision Pro?

How to watch porn on Apple Vision Pro?

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  • User asked in 2024-01-24 21:27:22

1 Answer

King Of Kings

Morning news on April 21st, Beijing time. According to foreign media reports yesterday, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in an email reply to users that Apple has the responsibility to keep iPhones away from pornography, and claimed that those who want to download pornographic content Consumers should buy Android phones.

Recently, Jobs has been responding to various questioning emails from users. Last week, a user sent an email questioning Apple's rejection of the political cartoon application of Internet writer Mark Fiore. Jobs said that this was indeed a mistake made by Apple. Recently, another Apple user wrote an email to Jobs questioning Apple’s role as a moral police officer in app approval. Jobs responded: "We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone. Those who want porn should buy an Android phone."

If this email is authentic, it wouldn't be the first time Jobs has linked Android to porn and suggested that consumers who want pornographic content buy an Android phone. At the beginning of this month, during the question and answer session after the iPhone 4.0 operating system conference, Jobs publicly stated: "You know, there is a porn store on the Andorid platform. The only thing you can download is pornographic content, nothing else. You can download, you 's kids can download it. That's where we're not going to go - we're not going to do that."

According to industry insiders, in fact, Apple and Google are in the early stages of the mobile phone platform war, so Jobs will obviously continue to stand on the moral high ground and continue to attack Google.

Attached: Full text of emails between Steve Jobs and Apple users

Apple user Matthew Browing wrote:


Friends had been trying to convince me to use Apple products for years, but it wasn’t until the release of the iPhone 3G that I finally made the switch. Since then, I've purchased four iPhones, two computers, several routers, and a few other products. Unfortunately, I'm really starting to have a bit of a problem with Apple's philosophy. It seems that Apple is increasingly making choices for consumers about what content they should and should not see. For example, rejecting Mark Fiore's comic applications for political satire reasons, or blocking any content that Apple considers pornographic.

I totally agree with keeping kids away from porn, and I totally agree with keeping myself away from it. But this is where parental controls come in handy. Put these apps in a category and give parents the freedom to block them.

Apple's responsibility is not to act as a moral policeman - it is to design and produce really cool electronic devices that consumers can use however they want.

Thank you for listening,


Jobs responded:

Fiore's app will be coming to the App Store in the near future. This was a mistake. However, we do believe that we have a moral responsibility to keep porn away from our iPhones. Those who want pornographic content should buy an Android phone.

Just to announce something, didn’t Apple’s Vision Pro officially start pre-sale in the United States last Friday?

Our editorial department grabbed two units from Apple's official website in the United States, and they will be delivered to frontline colleagues in the United States on the 2nd, which means they will be available in the first batch.

Got so much. . . Why don't you smoke it for everyone?

I thought it would be hard to grab a copy. After all, Vision Pro is the first head-mounted display device launched by Apple, and many people's attention and expectations for it can be said to be full.

Turns out I didn't expect it to be quite easy to buy.

Don’t listen to what others say: “The server was crowded within 5 minutes of the launch and sold out in half an hour.” Don’t even think that scalpers have already sold this thing to 80,000 to 90,000 yuan. You even have to pay a deposit of several thousand to make a reservation with them.

In fact, you only need to have a US account and a Visa credit card, open the Apple Store when you arrive, and then follow the purchase process. After purchasing the 256GB, we felt that the capacity was a bit small, so we ordered the 1TB version, and it was still the first batch to be shipped.

It’s also easy including the time of purchase.

Compared with when we usually buy an iPhone, it only requires the additional process of scanning your head with Face ID and asking whether to wear glasses. Apple will match the appropriate eyecups and headwear size, and decide whether to wear lenses. The whole process is also smooth. Not slippery.

Having said that, when we talk about grabbing, we are actually grabbing the "first batch of shipments". What Apple does well is that after a new product is launched and goes on sale, you can buy it on the official website at any time. There is no need to squat down to grab it. It will follow the steps below. Shipped in sequence at a single time.

If you buy Vision Pro now, you have to wait 5-6 weeks for delivery, which means you have to wait for more than a month - we must race against time to produce content, but if you just buy it for your own use, there is no need to give money to those scalpers.

Of course, how to transport it back from the United States is another matter~ You can search for overseas shopping transshipment strategies, but we will not go into them here.

Speaking of which, Vision Pro can definitely be regarded as the product with the largest investment and the longest development cycle in Apple's history. It has been 7 years since the project was established in 2016. The iPhone and iPad did not receive this treatment at the beginning.

Even Cook claimed that it can bring us into the era of spatial computing, just like the Mac brought us into the era of personal computing and the iPhone brought us into the era of mobile computing. It can be seen that Vision Pro is indeed of great significance to Apple.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is trying to trick us.

But when I heard Cook say these words at the press conference, I felt that the apple that once changed the world was back. For the sake of it being an apple, I would eat this cake first as a token of respect~

Here we also want to collect a wave of points that you are more concerned about, and we are going to share it with you in detail as soon as the product is available. So if you are interested in this product, you are also welcome to leave a comment Leave a message in the area.

In addition, although there are still a few days until I get the machine, it does not prevent me from talking to everyone about what our editorial department thinks of this product.

It is well known that Apple likes to put its own "label" on its products and technologies.

For example, the LTPO high-refresh screen talked about by other manufacturers has become "ProMotion" here at Apple; for the perforated screen commonly used in mobile phones now, Apple named it "Smart Island", and other words such as AI have never been used by Apple. Don’t mention it.

Vision Pro is essentially an MR headset, but we can’t find any description related to this term on the official product details page. Apple continues its usual style of defining this product as a “spatial computing” device.

This is another brand new concept created by Apple.

It should be said that Apple does understand packaging. The word "spatial computing" does sound very high-end, and it immediately distinguishes Vision Pro from other head-mounted displays on the market. However, in fact, it is not separated from the MR head-mounted display itself. category.

Welcome to the era of spatial computing.

Vision Pro seamlessly blends digital content with your physical space;

You control it using just your eyes, hands, and voice;

So you can do what you love like never before.

Now as long as we open the official website Vision Pro details page, we will see these sentences. We can regard it as Apple's easy-to-understand explanation of "spatial computing". However, these things are also in line with the positioning of other MR headsets.

Using headsets to work, watch movies, and play games is nothing new. Nowadays, headsets costing thousands of dollars can do such things.

As for shooting and watching space videos with Vision Pro, it is indeed a unique experience it can provide at present, but this can only be regarded as one of the functional points of the headset.

So in my opinion, Apple's launch of Vision Pro is not a "zero to one" innovation, but it elevates the MR headset experience to a new level with the support of top-notch hardware, fruity interaction and a relatively complete ecosystem. the height of.

Needless to say about the hardware.

Vision Pro uses two 23-megapixel Micro-OLED displays, which is currently the highest resolution head-mounted display. It is also equipped with M2 and R1 chips, has 12 cameras, 5 sensors and 6 microphones, and the configuration is luxurious.

Therefore, Apple is right to say that it is a spatial computing device - among the current MR headsets, it is the best at computing~

Bloggers who have experienced Vision Pro in advance have spoken highly of the display effect and eye tracking performance of this device. Among the manufacturers of MR head-mounted display equipment, Apple is the only one who dares to make such a purchase. Big money stack:

Including its workmanship materials and appearance design, it also continues Apple's consistently high standards.

Among other things, it costs $799 to replace the glass cover of the Vision Pro. This repair price is enough for you to buy an iPhone 15 or a 512GB version of the Meta Quest 3.

All I can say is that this is also very Apple~

In terms of interaction, Apple released a 9-minute official demonstration two days ago to teach us how to use Vision Pro.

It can be seen that the UI of VisionOS follows the visual style of macOS, iOS and iPadOS. The interface is simple and clear, and the animation effects are exquisite. The cursor is moved through eye movement, and the window is adjusted by pinching and dragging with fingers. This fruity interaction is also intuitive.

As for the ecology.

Apple said it will provide more than 1 million applications compatible with VisionOS. Although it is foreseeable that the vast majority of them may be applications ported directly from macOS, iOS and iPadOS, this number is considerable enough.

However, someone dug out the list of pre-installed applications for Vision Pro from somewhere. Did you find anything? Still don’t have a calculator or weather? ? ?

Guozi’s obsession with not using these two apps on large-screen devices is really serious. . .

In short, from the perspective of appearance design, hardware specifications, interactive experience and software ecosystem, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the most mature head-mounted display device we can buy currently. Of course, its starting price of 3,499 knives is here. , is really expensive.

In addition to price, the biggest disadvantages of Vision Pro are probably its weight and battery life.

The weight of Vision Pro 600g-650g means that it is not a device that can be worn on the head without any discomfort, not to mention that when we use it, we have to drag out a cable to connect to the external battery. A single battery lasts 2-2.5 hours. The battery life is not too long either.

This reminds me of the Apple Watch, which charges once a day. To some extent, both of these products have made certain sacrifices in terms of battery life in order to achieve a more extreme experience.

It's okay to watch a movie with two and a half hours of battery life. If we really plan to use Vision Pro for work - the power adapter is plugged into the socket, the charging cable of the adapter is connected to the battery, and another cable is connected to the headset from the battery. The picture is so beautiful. I can not see.

Of course, there may be other more elegant ways, but you will not know until you get a real phone.

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