What is the relationship between Xiaomi Auto SU7 and Porsche?

What is the relationship between Xiaomi Auto SU7 and Porsche?

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  • User asked in 2024-01-16 21:11:33

1 Answer

King Of Kings

The relat ion ship be twe en Xia omi Au SU7 Por sche that Xia omi Au has colla bor at ed wh Por sche develop SU7 electric c

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Xia a subsidia ry Ch ese technology compy Xia omi, specia lizes developme nt production electric vehicles. Por , on or h , a renow ned Germ u mobile m ufa cturer know n for s high-perfor m ce spor ts ca rs. I n 2021, Xia nounced a p

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nership wh jo tly develop SU7 electric ca r. The colla bor at ion ims comb e Xia 's expert e technology novat wh 's experience luxury ca r m ufa ctur g. The SU7 expected be fla gship electric sed that will show cas e a

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ed technology, perfor m ce, design. I t like ly feat ure Xia 's telligent con nectiv y so lution s 's eng eer g prowe ss. The vehicle expected compete wh or premium electric sed s ma rket, such as Tesla 's Model S Lucid Mo rs' Air. The pa rtnership be twe en Xia demon strat es creas g con vergence technology u motive dustries

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t a lso signif ies Xia omi's a mb compete electric vehicle ma rket 's terest explor g electric mobil y fur r. The all ows both comp ies levera ge ea ch or 's strengths creat e a compet ive electric ca r fer g. Overall , relat ship be SU7 rtnership for me d develop electric ca r that comb es technologica l expert e wh luxury ca r m ctur g experience .

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