How to join a Discord server?

How to join a Discord server?

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  • User asked in 2024-01-16 21:11:33

2 Answer

King Of Kings

To jo a D cor d server, follow steps be low:1. C


e a ccount: Sta rt by creat g a D cor d a ccount if do n't a lrea dy have one . V ficia l D d we bs e, click on "Log " but n, n select "Reg ter" option . Fill r desired use rna me , ema il a ddress, pas swor d creat e r ccount.2. Downloa d stall

d a

pp: D d va ila ble for va rious plat for ms, clud g W do ws, ma cOS, iOS, Android. Go d we bs e, click on "Downloa d" but n, choose ppropriat e version for r device. Once do wnloa d complete, stall pp by follow g prompted struction s.3. La unch D d: After at ion , la unch pp by click g on s icon


f d g pplicat ion s folder.4. Log d: Enter r ccount credentia ls (use rna me ema il pas swor d) log d. I f 've for go tten r


c click on "For go t r d?" option recover .5. Explor g servers: Once logged , 'll be on d home pa ge. On left side terfa ce, will see l t servers 've jo ed (if y ). The se servers a re d pla


as rect gula r icon s. Alternat ively, c f d servers jo through friends, v at l ks, or public servers.6. F d g servers jo : I f know na server w t , c use sea rch ba r at bot m left terfa ce sea rch for . Add all y, c receive v l k from friend or d server l ks for ums, we es, o

r s

o cia l me dia ch nels.7. Jo g server: Once have k, copy return pp. Click on " " but n on left side ce. A new pa ge will ppea r wh option "Jo Server." Click on te k designat ed field. Press "Jo " but will u mat icall y jo server. Alternat ively, c be ed server dire


by server owner or dm trat or .8. Con firm g server jo : After jo g, might be as ked con firm r dec . Some servers have verif icat systems pla ce preven t spa m or una uthor ized a ccess. Follow struction s provided, which may clude so lv g a CAPTCHA or click g on emoji prove 're not bot.9. Pa rticipat g server: Con grat ulat s! You a re now me mbe r d server. Fa milia rize r self wh ch nels wh server, rea d y


s or guidel es, sta rt enga g g con versat s.Reme mbe r follow server's rules be respectful or me rs. Enjoy r time on d!

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King Of Kings

To join a Discord server, you need an invitation link from the server administrator or owner. Once you have the invitation link, follow the steps below:

1. Create a Discord account: If you don't already have ad account, go tod website ( and sign up. You canlso download thed mobile app from your device's app store and sign up from there.

2. Installpp: If you areusing a computer, download andstalld desktop app fromd website. If you are using a mobile device, dod andstall your device's app store.

3. Open thepp: Launch thepp after.

4. Click on " " icon: Look for " " icon on left sidebar ofpp. It is usually located on top left corner or at bottom.

5. Select"Join Server": Click on "Join Server" to open a new window.

6. Enter thek: Paste thek provided by server administratorowner into designated field. Makesure to copy the entire link without any extra spaces.

7. Click "Join":After entering thek, click on "Join" button to join server.

8. Complete verificat (if necessary): Some servers may require you to complete a verificat process before joining. This mayclude solvin CAPTCHA orgreeing to certain terms and condits.

9. Access the server: Once you click "Join", you will be redirected to server you justed. You canccess the server by clicking on its name on left sidebar ofpp.

Note: Make sure to rea follow the server rules and guidelines. Additally, be respectful and considerate while interacting with other members of server.

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