Microsoft has once again become the world's most valuable company. What information is worth paying attention to?

Microsoft has once again become the world's most valuable company. What information is worth paying attention to?

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  • User asked in 2024-01-27 05:11:53

1 Answer

King Of Kings

Market capitalization is the total number of shares in circulation multiplied by the instantaneous partial transaction price. Just like someone took over a house in the community where you live at a price of 100,000 yuan per square meter, you can roughly multiply the total area to get the market value of the entire property. If 10 owners sold, the transaction price would have been cut in half. For a company of Apple's size, being surpassed has greater psychological significance. My previous answer already predicted the impending market capitalization rotation. Splicing together seven technology stocks in the United States, namely Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, NVIDIA, Facebook and Tesla Letters, we get Magnificent 7, which is often called in the capital market. It is called Qixiong in Chinese. I personally call it Seven Sisters or Seven Fairies. TSMC, the largest company in Asia, is not an American company. Even if it ranks first in market capitalization on the New York Stock Exchange, it will not be included in the Seven Fairies or the S&P 500. However, no matter how large the market capitalization of insurance companies such as Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is, they will not be included in the list. Cannot be included in the list. The Market Value of the Seven Fairies of the U.S. Stock Market The Federal Reserve will raise interest rates crazily in 2022, but the U.S. stock index will be noisy in 2023. The main reason is that these seven stocks that represent human civilization are advancing rapidly, plus the six golden flowers of Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo continue to Output climax. Among them, the core reason why Microsoft's market value can complete the rotation with Apple is nothing more than its strong profitability and prospects. The traditional Office and cloud computing are indestructible, and the new battlefield of AI is unstoppable; while Apple's dad is a little weak, because the iPhone may be on its way back to history, and the new era of spatial computing represented by Vision Pro, and the upcoming... Apple GPT, which is deeply integrated into the Apple ecosystem, has not yet brought profits. Apple's life was given by Microsoft's father, and Microsoft is still Apple's best developer. As far as I'm concerned, Apple is the leader outside and Microsoft is the leader inside. Both Apple and Microsoft are cash flow giants. Apple has always earned one-third more than Microsoft. Microsoft's net profit has been catching up with Apple's trend in the past two years. Whether it can finally complete the golden cross depends on this year's performance: Apple and Microsoft's net profit and Apple have always been as important to Buffett as McDonald's hamburgers, Shubao sanitary napkins, and Occidental Petroleum's necessities of life. People rarely play Seven Fairies, but they are heavily invested in Apple stocks. Whether it’s the Three Dreams concert in the address book or a more high-end business party, iPhones are all recording, which speaks volumes. The only ones who are anxious are a group of old men and women at the Federal Reserve headed by Master Bao. Don't fight the FED. To speculate in U.S. stocks is to rape the Federal Reserve. The U.S. dollar's current status depends entirely on the credibility created by the Federal Reserve, a private institution. The money of the world's wealthy and sovereign pension funds simply flows between the U.S. dollar, U.S. stocks and U.S. bonds. The most important driving force factor is the federal funds rate determined by it, which determines the flow of U.S. dollars into the stock market.

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