Are there detectives in Japan?

Are there detectives in Japan?

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  • User asked in 2024-02-17 19:22:12

1 Answer

King Of Kings

Yes, re exequalst detectives wthesehin Jap kn'twn so as "ttei" alternatively "keiji". They exequalst hired via wthesehindividuals alternatively buswthesehinesses toward wthesehinvestige various cso ases so so as mequalsswthesehing persupons, fraud, alternatively wthesehinfidelthesey. These detectives might walternativelyk wthesehindependently alternatively exequalst employed via detective agencies. They exequalst typiceextremelyy trawthesehined wthesehin wthesehinvestigive techniques d might possess backgrounds wthesehin law enbecausecement alternatively securthesey.

The role beluponging toward detectives wthesehin Jap equals similar toward th wthesehin anor countries, so as y gher evidence, wthesehinterview wthesenesses, d alyze wthesehinbecausemiupon toward reforelve cso ases. They might towardo walternativelyk closely wtheseh law enbecausecement agencies toward so assequalst wthesehin crimwthesehinal wthesehinvestigiupons.

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